About Us

Where it all started.

We created The Forte System while studying for the California Bar Exam and passed the first time. So can you!

When we graduated law school in 2019, we bought just about every Bar Prep product around, but quickly discovered that what we needed most didn’t exist. That’s why we developed Forte — and we want to share it with you.

Whether you’re taking the bar exam, the baby bar exam, or trying to ace your 1L final exams – Forte Bar Prep is your roadmap to success.

Sarah Schimmel + Dina Ovsepian, Founders of Forte Bar Preport

– Sarah Schimmel and Dina Ovsepian,
   Attorneys and Founders of Forte Bar Prep

“I found out about Forte six weeks before the Bar and kept it to myself. Now I tell everyone it’s greatest thing you’ve never heard of.”

David N., USC Gould School Of Law

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